Summer Anime Previews - 輪るピングドラム

Friday, July 01, 2011

Image from Gigazine

I think this had the oddest PVs yet.

Title: 輪るピングドラム, Mawaru Penguindrum
Animation Production: BRAINS BASE
Genre: Hell if I know.
Airs: 07/07 MBS/TBS

Series Summary: N/A

Kenn's Comment: Born from the mind of Ikuhara (directed Utena and a bunch of other stuff, but hasn't been very active lately) comes this. Strange title yes. Not much info about it either. What I know is that it'll be 24 episodes long, with the story revolving around a trio of siblings, probably teenagers (or at least the main one is). Reloading the page will change the splash page; two to note are the white circle, the one I put as the title picture, and a black one. In white, the site the message: "We share all my love and all your punishment." ; in black, "I will inform those of you who won't amount to anything". There'll probably some element of mahou-shoujo of sorts, not like Madoka or Sailor Moon, but perhaps more like a super hero or something. Anywho, the PVs are short and there's a bunch of them.





5. (the most batshit insane one. I don't even know...)


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