Summer Anime Previews - THE IDOLM@STER

Friday, July 01, 2011

Image by Uki Atsuya

New IDOLM@STER anime, sans robots.

Title: THE IDOLM@STER, アイドルマスター
Animation Production:  A-1 Pictures
Genre: Music
Airs: 07/07 TBS

Series Summary: N/A

Kenn's Comment: Fans of the series will be happy to know that the anime will be following the events of the games, rather than whatever happened in Xenoglossia (I don't even know why they went there). That means that all the original cast for the characters will also be voicing their respective characters. And from the title image, there are lots of them. Interesting note: the character designer is the same one who did Gurren Lagann and Panty & Stocking & Garterbelt. PVs didn't look all the informative, animation wise, since most of them use the game's footage. What little animation previews we do get reminds me a lot of K-ON though...


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