毎週のVOCALOID - Pelagic Fish

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm going to need a translation of the lyrics to really figure out why this song is called what it is...

Title: Pelagic Fish
Producer: 無力P (Mouryoku P)
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: 巡音ルカ

Kenn's Comment: That opening alone is amazing. So very ambient and easy on the ears. The rest of the song is pretty good, but I think that opening really stands out to me. The instrumental is pretty cool too, and are done well as they're not boring, but aren't overly active.

I'm not entirely sure why it's titled 'pelagic fish' though. For those who don't know, a pelagic fish is any fish that lives near the surface of the ocean, like sardines and most commercially harvested fish. This is as opposed to deep water fish (should be self explanatory) and reef fish, which live in and around the coral reefs.

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