Weekly Vocaloid Feature - 嘘つきの世界

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Awesome song. Really.

Title: 嘘つきの世界
Producer: すにっぷ (Snip)
PV: まつとり (Matsutori)
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: If you blow up the pic, it'll say "presented by "No One Hears". I'm pretty sure it's a duo comprising of Snip and Matsutori, as their latest album more or less spells it out.

Anywho, I think this might be the first time I've featured Snip on the blog, but it looks like he's quite well known, being the producer being Snow Trick and Top Secret. The song itself is awesome, and Matsutori's hand drawn PV is wonderful.  Enjoy this while I get back to torturing myself.

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