Song of the Week - Phillia

Friday, June 17, 2011

Image from CDJapan

Jubilee was a better album. Just saying...

Title: Phillia
Artist: Versailles (Philharmonic Quintet)
Genre: Rock
Single: Phillia
Album: Holy Grail
Vintage: 11/03/16 yymmdd

Kenn's Comment: It's a good song, and is used as the theme song for Versaille's minidrama おねがいかなえてヴェルサイユ (Grant My Wish Versailles). You'll be able to find stuff if you look for it.

Anywho, the song is good, typical of Versailles fashion. As usual, I really want Kamijo's outfits (vocalist), because they're ridiculously awesome. His cape needs to be longer (black outfit). 

One thing I noticed about the album (Holy Grail) was the lack of long playing tracks. Jubilee opened with a beast of a track, God Palace, an epic 10 minute track, and followed up with a slew of awesome tracks, eventually coming to Princess, another epic song, clocking in at 8 and a bit. Not saying Holy Grail is bad, as I quite like it. But when I compare their two latest albums, I can notice the difference (kind of); there's much more orchestration in Jubilee. 

Anywho, that's it for today. Vocaloid tomorrow! 

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