Summer Anime Previews - BLOOD-C

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Image by CLAMP

Working on a way so that you'll be able to see all the previews on one page. Kind of.

Title: BLOOD-C
Animation Production: Production I.G.
Genre: Action, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance?
Airs: 07/07 MBS

Series Summary: N/A

Kenn's Comment: I'm not sure whether this series will be connected to I.G.'s other Blood titles (Blood+, Last Vampire, etc.). Also, CLAMP is also at the helm, so I'm guessing it's going to be quite different from previous ones, story-wise and artistically. Anywho, the trailer looked pretty good, and there's no doubt that there will be a decent amount of blood in the series. There's also going to be a movie, so I.G.'s putting a lot into this one. And for those that care, Mizuki Nana voices the main character, and sings the ED theme (the OP doesn't sound like it fits too much...)


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