Autumn Anime Previews 3 - 聖剣の刀鍛冶

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Image by Tatsuya Seo 

Title: 聖剣の刀鍛冶, Seiken no Blacksmith, The Legendary Blacksmith
Genre: Shounen, Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Airs: 10/03 09:30
Animation Studio: Manglobe

Kenn's Comment: Looks pretty good. Probably gonna watch this. It's called an "unconventional fantasy", why I don't know, but I'm hoping to find out by watching it when it airs.

Summary from ANN:
The story takes place after an abominable war that foisted a "devil's contract" upon a land. Cecily Campbell, a former noble's daughter who joined a knighthood, encounters a man who dispatches some hoodlums with one sweep of a mysterious sword. The man possesses the power of the same "devil's contract" that has become taboo, now that peace has been restored. Cecily has been searching for a blacksmith who can repair an old sword she inherited from her father, and that mysterious young man happens to be blacksmith named Luke. This encounter launches their adventures together.

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