Autumn Anime Previews 12 - けんぷファー

Friday, September 25, 2009

Image from main site

Anywho, while I was in the process of typing this up, a trailer popped up! It's only on the website for now though.

Title: けんぷファー, Kämpfer (german for warrior)
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance
Airs: 10/01 25:29
Animation Studio: NOMAD

Kenn's Comment: From what I've read in the few chapters of the manga that have been scanlated, I can say that the series is pretty interesting. It was quite successful with it's novels, enough so to get a manga version created, and now we have an anime adaptation. The animation looks pretty good too.

Summary from ANN:

Senou Natsuru is your normal, everyday high school student. However he´s been chosen to be a Kampfer, who´s objective consists on fighting other Kampfer with either guns, swords or magic, however, there´s catch; first you can´t chose if you´re a Kampfer or not, and second, you must have the body of a girl to use your powers.

See it here.

Another one, YouTube this time.

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