毎週のVOCALOID - アイロニ

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Finally a song with a title I can read!

Also, to make up for the Song of the Week I didn't do yesterday, here's another one.

I'll probably end up putting the Song of the Week up later though.

Title: アイロニ, Irony
Producer: すごっぷ
Art: はるはる
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: 初音ミクSOFT

Kenn's Comment: I rather like this one. I admit that Miku doesn't sound as good as she does in the second one, but this I liken towards more of an acoustic sounding song. I'm rather fond of the general sound of the song. The hook is really quite nice, and the verses sounds pretty good too. The PV is wonderfully animated. Also, that damned bird. Don't you just want to give the girl a big hug?

Title: エンパス144, Empath 144
Producer: ゆうゆP
Genre: Power Pop
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: What that title means, I'm not entirely sure. Anywho, it's an awesome song. Quite a bit different from Irony above, but a great song nonetheless. The PV's pretty darn cool too. Can't find much to say about this one other than it's pretty cool and it's a good song. Hm.

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