毎週のVOCALOID - 幻奏歌

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A little late, but at least it's up.

Title: 幻奏歌, Gensouka, Illusion Song (not sure what it means, but I'm going by what I think it means)
Producer: フェイP
Genre: Not sure what I'd call it.
Vocaloid: GUMI

Kenn's Comment: The instruments really make the song. The combination of the violin and piano really give it that special touch.

The channel I follow for a lot of my Vocaloid fix put up this summary of the song and it's PV:

The PV of the song explains the song in it's entirety. A story of a village girl intrigued with music and a kind soul who finally teaches her the piano to his last breath." -melo
It's a wonderful song and totally deserves the #1 spot it did last week.

And here's a cover of it by のぶなが (Nobunaga)

And another one by ΦΦ (Kushi)

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