毎週の東方の同人誌 - べにのうつくし

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Image by Yokochou
The glorious origin tale of everyone's favourite gate keeper, Hong Meiling.
Title:  べにのうつくし, Beni no Utsukushi, The Beauty of Scarlet
Artist: Yokochou
Genre: Action, Drama
Characters: Hong Meiling, Remilia Scarlet, Patchouli Knowledge
Kenn's Comment: This isn't the first time Yokochou's been featured. I believe I put up another work many moons ago. That one featured Yuuka and her pseudo-daughter. 
As I said, this one is a Meiling Origins story. Covers her Youkai beginnings and how she came to become the gatekeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. While most fanwork depicts her as being a constantly sleeping bum,  Yokochou paints Meiling as being a very...human character. It's a rather touching tale of Youkai-Human interaction. The climax of the story is towards the end in the final, and longest battle of the webcomic. 

It continues in べにのうつくし・二, but becomes more of a Scarlet Devil Mansion origin story; the focus comes off of Meiling and more the cast of the Mansion itself (sans Sakuya)

Yokochou's art isn't the best out there, but his/her stories have always been top notch awesome. Great stuff.

Read it over at Pixiv( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or Danbooru (1, 2)
**For second series using the Pixiv links, it's not completed yet to my knowledge, so I didn't link it. Search for it on Yokochou's profile. Title is 「続・べにのうつくし」; it's uploaded the same way the first series was. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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