Song of the Week - Woman King

Friday, September 16, 2011

Image from Amazon

This...may not appeal to everyone. It's pretty old too.

Title: Woman King
Artist: Iron & Wine
Genre: Acoustic, Indie, Folk
Single: N/A
Album: Woman King (EP)
Vintage: 22/02/05 ddmmyy

Kenn's Comment: As I said, I'm well aware that it won't rub everyone the same way; it's probably the folk sound of it that people don't like (got that with The Temptation of Adam). It's an great song in it's own way, and I like it. I guess I should say that Iron & Wine is a one man thing. Sam Beam is his real name, and he handles everything, all the instruments are done by him. Fun fact: before going into the music business, he was a professor of film and cinematography.

Note: the video I've embedded has a good 2 minutes of absolute silence. The song ends at around 4:15, so you can duck around some of my other posts after that.

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