Weekly Vocaloid Feature - ひまわり

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Epic guitar after the jump.

Title: ひまわり, Himawari, Sunflower
Producer: SHO (キセノンP)
Art: ぎヴちょこ
3D and Video: 三重の人
Genre: Popish Metal?
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: The guitar in this is awesome. I love the melody of the song too. The English in the video is a bit off setting, but don't let it take away from the song itself. For those who vaguely remember SHO, I featured a song of his way back when I did はやぶさ -Welcome Back Version- many moons ago.

Anywho, enjoy the song! I hope I didn't promise to put anything up this week. Hm.

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