A Day with Kenn 90

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Image by itoo

No more snow until Christmas please.

Snow, snow and more snow. Lots of snow from last night and earlier today. Major roads were all plowed, but side roads and alley ways like this would be a nightmare to traverse. 

The 100 was apparently delayed a bit, since Jeffrey said he had waited an hour at his stop for the bus. He didn't look too hot on the bus either, and being late for his first class probably didn't help either.

The train coming from Bridgeport got stuck on the bridge between Bridgeport and Marine, which greatly delayed service along the Canada Line. A friend coming from Richmond said that it took her three hours to get from Lansdowne to Marine. I get on at Marine, where the trains go underground so my commute wasn't affected at all.

A shot of the train yard at Waterfront. Don't think the snow affected this form of transportation too much.
Had a delicious chicken salad sandwich for lunch as I looked out to this gorgeous view. Freshly fallen snow with a pine forest? That's something a lot of people can only dream of.

All the snow has more or less turned to rain, and is getting washed away. Temperature is also rising quite quickly because this is the first time I've seen my Weather docklet above 0 in a couple days. It's a good thing that the freezing rain only lasted a couple minutes. It's the worst thing ever.

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