Episode 11: Even the sushi is warm!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Image by Takayaki

July 14th:

Went out with the family to lunch at a high rated Chinese restaurant. Good stuff but no dim sum. Sad face. I don't like clams.

Went over to the Hong Kong city mall again for a while. Sat around waiting for the adults to finish their shopping. Thank you, iTouch.

Went home for a bit before heading to an aunt's restaurant for a party kinda thing. Had lots of sushi. It was kinda warm, which didn't float my boat. Both the temperature outside and the sushi.

Came home again for another bit. Currently staying over at my uncle's place for the nigt. Regretting having so much sushi; my stomach is doing flips.

Big house. The bed I'm gonna sleep in is kinda hard. Probably gonna be a long night.

Hope I don't end up with stomach flu. Had it in Europe a while back. 'Twas terrible. Feels sorta like the same feeling I had then. Ugh

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