Saturday, August 25, 2012

The song and video...are so sad.

You know what else is really sad? How slow my computer has been these past few days.

Producer: はりー
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: It's always a speeding truck isn't? The same kind of truck is the cause of pretty much every single tragedy I can think of Japanese anime related death.

Anywho, cynicism aside, this week saw a three way battle between this, an emotional Miku song, an energetic electronic song with a great looking PV, or a rockish GUMI with godly tuning. Tough choices resulted in this one being chosen. Maybe I'm just a sucker for watching people die or something but I do feel like this was the best of the three. Wait until you get to the end of the PV before your tears start welling. Damn.

Also, here's a cover of the song by KK. It came out really...really fast.

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