Summer '12 Anime Previews - 夏雪ランデブー

Monday, June 25, 2012

Image from here

The other NoitaminA series!

Title: 夏雪ランデブー , Natsuyuki Rendezvous
Animation Production: Dogakobo
Genre: Drama, Romance, Supernatural
Airs: 07/05 25:15 Fuji TV

Series Summary from Stiletto Heels:
Hazuki falls in love at first sight with a flower shop owner named Rokka and decides to get closer to her by applying as a part-time employee. A going-away party soon brings him to her doorstep, and Hazuki is elated. But what happens when he discovers that residing in her apartment is the spirit of the man she can never forget?
Kenn's Comment:  A Josei series with actual adults! The last few Josei series that've aired haven't always had truly adult characters. You've got Chihayafuru, high-schoolers I believer. Kuragehime, Tsukimi technically is an adult, but she don't really fit the description. Sakamichi no Apollon? High school. Usagi Drop is probably one of the few recently aired Josei series with an adult main (Daikichi).

Anywho, the manga ended recently at 4 volumes which means the anime will probably cover it in it's entirety.  Aside from that, I know nothing about the story. Might check it out, but I've never really been a fan of drama. Might make myself watch this one.


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