Song of the Week - C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Image from TokyoHive

Off their latest album!

Title: C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h.
Genre: Rock
Single: N/A
Album: 残響リファレンス
Vintage: 5/10/11
Kenn's Comment: I can't stress how much I love these guys. I've been fans for a long time, the first song being ゆめゆめ.
This one is quite different from the one I put up last by the band (NO SCARED) for those who don't remember. It's more melodic, less loud and every bit as awesome. I'm having a hard time thinking through this splitting headache, so listen to the song and judge for yourself. The chorus (hook) is really the best part of the song (as it should be). The PV is a feel-good one, and I'm pretty sure the song is that kind of one too...albeit in awesome rock form. Excuse me while I pop a few Advils..

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