Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen

Friday, June 26, 2009

image by spooky

Alrighty, so yesterday we (Jason, Jason, Darren, Keith, Sam, Calvin, John, Ed, Me), went to watch the latest Hollywood rendition of the mecha classic, Transformers. We got okay seats, front pit back row. Still, me and Keith thought it was too close, because all the action scenes were kinda funked up for us. Stuff moved fast, and big, and ended up blurred because of an sensory overload. Other than that, it was good. The story was oh so stereotypical. Typical Michael Bay? The action and stuff was good, but that story...

Anyways, we caught the 7 pm screening, but bought the tickets at like 5:40. We killed time in Sam's car. Ed and them were playing cards in the trunk, while Keith and Sam and Darren played cards in the front. I was playing games on my Touch, as well as going through yearbooks with Sam. We went into the theatre a half hour early, and there were still no seats. Bah.

We got out at 9:30ish, and proceeded to go home. There was a massive back up on our way back, so we had to take an alternate route. Luckily Jason Choy was with us, the human GPS! No, it's just that his memory and sense of direction is 1000% better than mine, and the other Jason's. Long drive in the dark while listening to Michael Jackson songs. Rest in peace King of Pop.

And to make a rather dull entry less dull, I shall include some entertaining quip from Izzy.

` izzy: KENN
` izzy: dude
` izzy: i saw transformers
` izzy: and i freaking
` izzy: jizzed in my pants
` izzy: dude
` izzy: megan fox
` izzy: SO HOT
` izzy: like
` izzy: FUCK
` izzy: did you see that ass?!

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